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Scientist's Toolbox

Researcher with a toolbox

This webpage does not provide a "full" list of what is available, but as many as possible. This page lists freely accessible, no-cost information, medium, data, database, and guidelines to assist in one's scientific research studies. People without substantial financial resources also requires high quality materials, and thanks to these and similar works, it is possible. This list will be a dynamic, living toolkit for scientists. In case the viewers have a recommendation that can fit in one of the categories below, providing resources freely with no cost, they can inform FIRE-AE about them.


Free, Openly Available at no Cost and High-Quality

Training Courses


General - Soft Skilss

Domain Specific Skills

Journals and Preprint Servers

Peer-reviewed, Free-to-submit, Free-to-read

Peer-reviewed Journals



Environmental Science


Data Science - Applied Statistics

Preprint Servers


Publicly available, no-cost

Here is a list of data with free access, no-cost, and even permitting commercial use-cases without incurring additional cost. Only sort-of-complicated part is that some hubs require free registration, several token generation and API access via those tokens, but it will take an hour at most to get over this.


Satellite Remote Sensing for Earth Observation

Environmental Data

Manufacture - Production Data


Reader is also recommended to check FOSS webpage.

Reference Management

Office Suite

GIS Software

Chemistry Software

Computer Programming Language - Software

Design Software

Media Playing Software

Planning Software

Accessibility and Availability Guides
