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FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-12-16 and 2024-12-22

2024-11-17: Science Ascend tenth issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-12-09 and 2024-12-15

2024-11-14: Science Ascend ninth issue can be retrieved via here

2024-11-12: Science Ascend eight issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-12-02 and 2024-12-08

2024-12-02: Güray Hatipoğlu gave a short talk on water and carbon footprint, wastewater, and life cycle impact assessment in the Data Analytics for Impact Professionals training.

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-11-25 and 2024-12-01

2024-11-29: Remote Sensing training materials of FIRE-AE will be accessed from here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-11-18 and 2024-11-24

2024-11-19: Science Ascend seventh issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-11-04 and 2024-11-10

2024-11-05: The Python code to systematically retrieve arXiv preprint pdfs and to record their .bibtex entries to a specific bib file, was published litrev file

2024-11-04: Science Ascend sixth issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-10-14 and 2024-10-20

2024-10-18: Güray Hatipoğlu contributed to the training program by ImpactHub Ankara and Rubiks Analytics - Data Analytics for Impact Professionals this day.

2024-10-17: A meeting took place among FIRE-ENV-240801-EXPTR project members AND the PI to assess the situation and plan the next week.

2024-10-16: Science Ascend fifth issue can be retrieved via here

2024-10-15: A meeting took place among FIRE-ENV-240801-EXPTR project members took place to discuss the developments and arrange a new meeting with the PI.

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-10-01 and 2024-10-10

2024-10-05: Science Ascend forth issue can be retrieved via here

2024-10-09: Science Ascend third issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-09-23 and 2024-09-29

2024-09-26: FIRE-AE YouTube channel broadcasted its first video on introducing Science Ascend!

2024-09-23: Science Ascend second issue can be retrieved via here

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-09-16 and 2024-09-22

2024-09-17: Science Ascend first issue can be purchased via this Gumroad page

2024-09-16: FIRE-AE's weekly periodical Science Ascend got an official ISSN number 3062-0090!

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-09-09 and 2024-09-15

2024-09-14: FIRE-AE self-published the first issue of the Science Ascend journal, in which all issues of the journals will be found on Science Ascend page from now on.

2024-09-11: FIRE-AE officially determined to create an online weekly journal on compiling, reviewing, and discussion the previous week's preprints in astrophysics, analytical and environmental chemistry, remote sensing, applied statistics and data science topics.

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-09-02 and 2024-09-08

2024-09-07: FIRE-AE website has now a quick way to change the website language to Turkish, Deutsch, Español, Lietuvis, český jazyk, and français directly from navigation bar with Google Translate.

2024-09-05: FIRE-AE participated in the event New Horizons for Turkish Business World in Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador and Dominican Republic organized by Ankara Chamber of Commerce.

2024-09-05: The contract between FIRE-AE and NFB Mühendislik and Müşavirlik A.Ş. was terminated with mutual agreement today.

FIRE-AE Activities between 2024-08-26 and 2024-09-01

2024-08-30: Third weekly meeting took place among FIRE-ENV-240801-EXPTR project members to evaluate what was done and what can be planned for the following week.

2024-08-28: FIRE and Impact Hub Ankara agreed that FIRE will assist in realizing Data Analytics for Impact Professionals training should a need arise.

2024-08-28: Several legal arrangements were followed to move FIRE's address to Impact Hub Ankara.